Spy Equipment Bestsellers

Trending the most popular and relevant home and office security products chosen by our customers. Video and audio surveillance provides peace of mind by monitoring and capturing crisp picture images accompanied with clear sound to help you gather evidence in sometimes sensitive situations. Check out our professional range of original spy gadget products.


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Showcasing the latest and exciting spy equipment for the security of your business and personal well being. Many of our products are designed and manufactured in the UK making your purchase a solid investment in British technology with unrivalled performance and reliability. Check out our range of professional home and office surveillance products.


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"Amazing products and outstanding customer care & support. Extremely impressed and delighted to make another purchase"

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"Advice brilliant, rang me back on a Saturday, explained thoroughly and totally put my mind at ease. Recommend this site 100+%"


Online Spy Shop is an established and reliable spy equipment store based in Cheshire, UK.  We have been established for 12 years and our aim is simple - to provide the highest quality cutting edge spy gadgets and customer service to our clients.

We design, build, and supply a full range of custom surveillance devices for peace of mind and evidence gathering including spy cameras,  car trackers, listening devices through to voice recorders for all your home and office security requirements.

Surveillance technology can be a wonderful asset to gather video and audio evidence to support sensitive issues. Is it legal for my neighbour to record me? Can voice recordings be used in a family court? Can I be filmed in public? Where can I point my CCTV cameras? What is illegal to watch on the internet? Neighbour disputes, workplace bulllying, domestic abuse, elderly care, animal cruelty, anti-social behaviour and criminal activity - this guide will help you understand the basics of Privacy Laws UK so you can operate spy equipment without breaking the law.


How to Detect Hidden Cameras: Your Essential Safety Guide for Travel

How to Detect Hidden Cameras: Your Essential Safety Guide for Travel

Picture the scene: You've just checked into your holiday rental. But are you truly alone? The numbers...

The Best Hidden Home Security Cameras For 2025

The Best Hidden Home Security Cameras For 2025

Welcome to our first Blog post of 2025, where we'll be reviewing some of the best hidden security cameras...

What You Need To Know About WiFi Cameras Vs GSM Cameras

What You Need To Know About WiFi Cameras Vs GSM Cameras

When you need to view a camera remotely from anywhere in the world on a smartphone, tablet, or computer,...

Masked individual in a hoodie vandalising a car with a bat at night.

How To Catch Vandals At Night With A Car Security Camera

Whether you have bought a new car or have an old banger, the safety of your vehicle is paramount, especially...