There is no denying the UK is one of the most heavily surveilled countries in the world. You will not be able to buy a pint of...
When we think of spy bases, the image that comes to mind is usually sleek, high-tech headquarters filled with an array of sophisticated...
Surveillance is a term that encompasses a wide range of uses, and the methods to conduct surveillance vary depending on the specific...
People commonly associate spy cameras with deviousness and covert operations when they can be used for various reasons outside...
Worried about being bugged? One of the only ways to know for sure is with a ...
After months of political to-and-fro Parliament passed The Investigatory Powers Bill, more commonly called the "Snoopers' Charter"...
Workplace surveillance can have many benefits for employers and staff, but it can be tricky to navigate. As an employer, you naturally...
Nobody likes a nosy neighbour, but would you want to know the people you live near are looking out for you if your safety or privacy...
British intelligence services, including MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, will be given broad new powers to hack your smartphone and computer...
A bug is a hidden recording device that is controlled remotely. The sound recordings made by the bug are typically stored externally...
Bugging and listening devices serve an array of functions, and there's no definitive best choice; it's all about what suits your...