Red unlocked padlock among blue locked ones on a binary code background.

The world of security is vastly changing as each year passes. With smart tech and the increased importance of online security, cyber security is a fast-moving, ever-changing industry. New threats continually emerge as hackers find new ways to infiltrate even the strongest firewalls and servers. In 2020, cyber and personal security will only become more important as our work, lives, and even socialising continue to move online. Here are the latest trends in cyber security that will continue to evolve into 2022.

Remote working cyber security risks

At first remote working seemed like a temporary fix that would be employed in the short term before work returned to normal. Almost two years after the pandemic began, it is clear remote working is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Most businesses now opt for a format of hybrid working, in which employees have more flexibility in their working environment as much work can now be done online. Whilst remote working has arguably been better for most, getting rid of stressful commuter journeys and giving employees flexibility, remote working also brings with it a strong security threat. Working from home brings with it more opportunities for hacking, as home offices are less protected than offices.

When working in a centralised office environment, firewalls, routers, and IT teams are able to operate more efficiently. With employees working in a more spread-out environment, this leaves computers more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In 2022, it is likely we will see more focus on cyber security for organizations facing the challenge of ensuring the online safety of a remote workforce. This could look like better remote IT help or the improvement of systems, security controls, and documentation.

More tech means higher risk

As more and more physical devices connect to the Internet and share data, this brings with it an increased security threat. 2020 and 2021 saw the rise of The Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to the increase in devices that connect to the internet and share data. IoT devices include wearable techs like fitness trackers, smart appliances like smart fridges, and voice-activated products like Alexa and Google Home. In 2026, it is estimated there will be a staggering 64 billion IoT devices around the world. These devices make our everyday lives more convenient but also bring risks. With so many more devices being connected to the internet, there are more potential entry points for hackers to gain access through.

Whilst IoT devices may not have immediate access to sensitive information, no one wants to be listened to and potentially even be watched in the safety of their own home. As Smart TVs have become more popular in the last few years, there have been many incidents of TV cameras being hacked and users being watched in their homes. The security and cyber security industries in 2022 must begin putting measures in place which prevent the hacking of new IoT devices in order to ensure consumers' safety and faith in new products.