If you are thinking about purchasing a hidden voice recorder, this article is for you. It’s very important to consider the ethical implications of using a hidden voice recorder, especially when using the device for spying. Whilst the devices can be used for legitimate reasons, such as recording meetings or monitoring your child's safety, voice recorders can also be used for more sinister means, such as recording someone without their knowledge or consent.
What is a Hidden Voice Recorder?
A hidden voice recorder is a small, portable device that can be used to record audio without being detected. Many different types of hidden voice recorders are available, ranging from simple USB plug-in devices to more sophisticated models that can be hidden in clothing or jewellery. Hidden voice recorders are commonly used for covert surveillance and can be invaluable for investigating crimes or gathering evidence.
What are the legalities around recording conversations for personal reasons?
When using hidden voice recorders for spying, it's important to consider the potential consequences of your actions. If you use a voice recorder to take note of your calls, record conversations for record-keeping, or help your memory, there is no malicious intent behind this. Voice recorders can be very handy tools to have, especially if you are in an occupation that requires a lot of meetings or if you are a student. As long as this data is never shared with anyone else or used against the other party, there is no problem in recording this data. Whilst this activity is not illegal, it is best to be open and honest with the other party you are recording your conversations with; this avoids any potential conflict. If the person you're recording finds out before you tell them, they may feel betrayed and violated.
What are the legalities around recording conversations for businesses?
The use of voice recorders for businesses is slightly different. Due to Data Protection laws, any data recorded by businesses must be subject to certain standards to protect customers. The Investigatory Powers Act (2016) highlights voice recording is only legal when used in the following instances:
- To prove/ record a business transaction.
- Ensure a business complies with regulatory procedures.
- To stop crime or detect the unlawful use of a telecom system.
Whilst most users wish to use voice recorders to make their everyday lives, personal and professional, a bit easier, they can be used in more secretive, unethical ways. It is important to remember that recording a conversation in hopes of using evidence as material for blackmail or coercion is a very serious criminal offence. Before purchasing a hidden voice recorder, evaluate the reasons why you are making this purchase and if it will be used for purely innocent reasons.